The world is changing rapidly, a lot of knowledge becomes obsolete and inaccurate more quickly. The prominence is hence focused on the teaching skills and learning skills. The education system has been evolving to meet every generation’s needs and expectations.

Selection of the right school has become a nightmare since the pandemic has started, especially for the preschoolers as it is the first step to their education. While many schools promise academic excellence, individual development, vocational training and a good community of students, parents and teachers as a family, many fall short in reality.

This is where Aurinko has stood the test of time and delivered par excellence every single time. The school has NEP already implemented in its curriculum, much before the government felt its need. Aurinko is committed to creating a carefree and fearless environment for children while they explore, connect to nature in parallel nurture every student’s hidden talent.

The tag line “Tejasvina Avadhitamastu” says it all –
“May the Teacher and Taught Learn Together”.

The attributes of Aurinko embedded in the child include love for learning, sense of gratification, being responsible, nurture with nature and evolving with the ecosystem.

Aurinko is popular for its very own way of reinforcing the qualities of an independent individual in a pre-schooler. It follows K12 progressive learning approach that includes:

Socialization which includes adult and peer interaction

A cooperative and collaborative learning approach is cultivated. This has been achieved even during online education as children are involved into a lot of conversations and maintain the peer interaction as in physical school.

Play and Learn

Learning with play has been the essence of Aurinko! It has highly stimulating spaces that have ample resources. The deep rooted Indian values have been highlighted in every aspect.

The infrastructure supports the unstructured way of learning which every child deserves and has been one of the greatest concepts implemented.

Creativity (Child-led and Child-centric activities)

Creativity, innovation and imagination has been given the topmost priority and every child is free to share their imagination and creativity. The school also uses cocurricular activities with the syllabus through art, craft, storytelling, fitness sessions, dance and music classes. All the necessary skills have been imparted in the best ways possible that incorporate communication, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, productivity, social skills and taking initiative.

Relating the subject matter

The syllabus is designed such that every concept is inter–related, as in science, phonics, language, maths are interconnected with every concept that children learn.

Expressive skills

Children are more expressive as every day is a new day to learn something new and as they head back home, they yearn for and are curious about what’s in store for the next day.

Different skills required for preschoolers such as gross motor skills, cognitive skills, language, fine motor skills, socio-emotional skills, adaptation, spiritual and moral values are imbibed through many activities. Family engagement has been a building block and has helped in nurtuing relationships between teachers, parents and children which has evolved into a FAMILY!

Student-Teacher Ratio

Another crucial element of Aurinko is the teacher-child ratio which is 8 to 9 students per teacher. Children are divided into groups so every child is given attention and an equal opportunity to share their thoughts even in an online environment.

Online education implementation by Aurinko:

Aurinko has adopted best-in-class and effective ways to keep learning unaffected and enjoyable even during online schooling. From using new-age apps to communicate with parents to adopting tools and systems that facilitated improved teaching, the school has left no stone unturned. A systematic approach to submit homework and home based activities has also been provided. One on one meeting with teacher and child is a very unique approach which not many schools implement. Periodic meetings with the parents have been of great importance as the feedback and discussions are primarily focused on the holistic development of the child.

Online classes are maintained for shorter durations with the teacher -child ratio of 1 to 8 and have been diligently following all forms of discipline as we would expect in offline education with minimal homework. Every child is given an equal opportunity and the concepts are covered with an absolute unique approach.

Open communication policy provides a sense of relief to parents as they are able to directly communicate with the teachers. Parents are also trained on various subject matters on a regular basis which has helped them to assist children at home.

Library subscription is another brilliant way to keep children engaged and pave them a way for building their vocabulary, improve their reading proficiency and ignite their imagination skills. Online theatre shows, field trips, celebration of important days have also been maintained.

Here’s what Aurinko parents have to say:

Parents convey that Aurinko was one of the best decisions they made for their children. Here’s what a couple has to say about Aurinko who have their kids enrolled in LKG:

“We chose Aurinko based on our friend’s advice. The best ever approach at Aurinko is the No Grading System right from day one. Despite for 2020 was, Aurinko did the best they could and we witnessed a significant improvement in our child’s progress”.

Parents also shared the dark side of online education has reduced socialization. However, Aurinko makes encourages children to talk to each other and share their thoughts and hence the social interaction is still maintained.

The parents also shared their daily routine where they have limited screen time (as also encouraged by the school) and they have been engaging children in reading, sports and spending time with family and friends.

आशा नाम मनुष्याणां काचिदाश्चर्यशृंखला ।
यया बद्धा प्रधावन्ति मुक्तास्तिष्ठन्ति पंगुवत् ॥

The above Sanskrit ode depicts about HOPE
Hope is the only amazing chain which belongs to human beings! Those who are tied up with this chain of Hope will run super fast and those who are free from this chain live like paralytic!

As a parent, our joy and satisfaction remains in living together and evolving as a FAMILY rich in core values! Let’s pray and hope for these gloomy days to end soon, as we eagerly wait for our preschoolers to kickstart their journey at their favourite homeplace -SCHOOL!

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