Makerspace at Aurinko Academy 

At Aurinko Academy, we are dedicated to nurturing the creative and innovative spirit of our students. Our Makerspace is a dynamic environment specifically designed to provide children with hands-on learning experiences in carpentry, metalwork, wire bending, and tinkering projects in electronics, mechanical, and electrical engineering. Here, students transform ideas into real-world products, developing crucial skills along the way.

A Hub for Creativity in a Progressive School

Hands-On Learning

Our Makerspace is a vibrant hub where students engage in hands-on projects that allow them to explore and manipulate various materials. They learn by doing, building, and creating, which enhances their understanding of concepts and fosters a love for making.


Students are introduced to the fundamentals of carpentry, including the use of different tools, types of wood, and construction techniques. They work on projects such as building furniture, creating sculptures, and designing functional wooden items, learning precision and craftsmanship.

Study of Various Materials

Children explore a variety of materials, including wood, metal, plastic, and more. They learn about the properties of these materials and how to select the right one for their projects, enhancing their material science knowledge.

Metal Work and Wire Bending

In our Makerspace, students gain experience in metalworking and wire bending. They learn techniques such as cutting, shaping, and joining metals, creating items like jewelry, sculptures, and functional metal objects. Wire bending projects include making intricate designs and functional electrical circuits.

Tinkering Projects in Electronics

Students dive into the world of electronics, working on projects that involve circuits, sensors, and microcontrollers. They learn to solder, program, and troubleshoot, creating innovative electronic gadgets and prototypes.

Mechanical and Electrical Projects

Our Makerspace provides opportunities for students to work on mechanical and electrical projects. They design and build machines, robots, and other devices, applying principles of mechanics and electronics to bring their ideas to life.

Project-Based Learning

Students are given various projects that challenge them to use their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. These projects often integrate multiple disciplines, encouraging students to think holistically and innovatively.

Innovation and Creativity

Our Makerspace emphasizes innovation and creativity. Students are encouraged to experiment, take risks, and explore new ideas. This environment nurtures their ability to think outside the box and develop unique solutions to real-world problems.

Perseverance and Tenacity

The process of making often involves trial and error. Our Makerspace teaches students the value of perseverance and tenacity. They learn that failure is a part of the learning process and that persistence leads to success.

Real-World Product Creation

Students take their projects from concept to completion, creating real-world products. Whether it’s a piece of furniture, a robotic arm, or an electronic device, they experience the full cycle of design, prototyping, testing, and refinement.

Mentorship and Guidance

Our dedicated staff and visiting experts provide mentorship and guidance, ensuring that students have the support they need to succeed. With backgrounds in various fields, our mentors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to inspire and guide students.

Join Us at the Makerspace

At Aurinko Academy, we are committed to fostering a culture of innovation and creativity. Our Makerspace is more than just a workshop; it’s a place where students’ imaginations come to life. By equipping our students with the skills and mindset to tackle real-world challenges, we prepare them to be the innovators and leaders of tomorrow.

Contact Us

To learn more about our Makerspace and how your child can benefit from this unique learning environment, please contact our school office. At Aurinko Academy, we are dedicated to providing an education that inspires, challenges, and empowers every student.

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