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Building Blocks of Employability

Building Blocks of Employability

Modern economies are based on knowledge rather than on raw materials, skill sets, or physical labor, the job market is changing at a dramatic pace. More and more, both public and private sector interest groups are realizing the need to create jobs needed by a dynamic,...

Try Nature as a Cure and have a better life

Try Nature as a Cure and have a better life

“Nature is the best physician” - Hippocrates Nature is the physical world and life for us. From food to shelter we are depending on nature. When we choose our food, cloth, furniture, etc most of us prefer organic or natural things. For example, organic vegetables,...


Rama ma’m taught preschool children about caterpillars. The session started with a story. This is it, if you’re interested. As homework activites, we watched a video about the life cycle of a butterfly. - https://youtu.be/6cDZdeDdsB8 We made a paper caterpillar....

Tomato Rice on my plate

By Chaitali Dasgupta - https://my-thoughtful-moments.blogspot.com/2020/07/tomato-rice-on-my-plate-i-have-always.html I have always been a fan of experiential learning. Real learning happens when we experience- see, feel and do. It brings about practical...

Observing Leaves

My son and I collected different types of leaves from the garden. He then drew them on paper. We also stuck the leaves on another paper with glue. We traced a leaf on a paper with a pencil. He observed that each plant has a different type of leaf and not all are the...

Online Classes

Aurinko has recently started online classes for preschoolers also. Yes, I’m aware of the whole debate about online schooling. Parents complain that schools conduct online classes just to extract hefty fees. Govt rules against online classes and so on. But there’s a...

Phonetics Class- an experience

By Suchitra Hegde -https://suchitrahegde.com/portfolio/phonetics/ Ma’m started the online class with the prayer. The children closed their eyes, used prayer hands and said OM three times. Ma’m then asked how many sounds the children heard in OM. Parents were tempted...

Online engagement- a necessary evil

By Deepika Veemuri -https://lifebeyondnumbers.com/why-the-online-engagement-for-our-school-kids-is-a-necessary-evil-during-the-covid-times/ By the first week of March, most schools in India were asked to close down till such time as the pandemic situation improves....

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