Aurinko Academy

We are interested in the journey of learning, in children being free and, fearless-while exploring and connecting with the subject matter that motivates and interests them while utilizing their unique capacities.

Our Vision



A dazzling ecosystem of learning and discovery, continually ahead of its time.


Inspire young minds to illumine and radiate
Create opportunities for all to experience and excel
Provide unbounded space for expression and compassion.


Fulfilment for the community – of parents, teachers and children.

Manifesting Our Vision

Aurinko Academy is blessed with the selfless support of well meaning parents and members of the community that we lovingly refer to as Friends of Aurinko.

As a result we have seen Aurinko live up to its image of being a truly progressive school, one that changes and adapts with time to provide the best to our children.

Aurinko started off for children but has evolved to become a learning and sharing pace for teachers, parents and the extended community.

As our children grow, go onto colleges with clarity and take on various careers in line with their passions, it is truly satisfying to see the journey… Both theirs and ours!

As we roll out Entrepreneurs, Ashoka Fellows and Happy Children, it is a vision truly manifested!

Learning Demystified

  • Children socially co-construct knowledge with peers and adults
  • The Aurinko teacher is a facilitator of learning, rather than a director
  • The children are active participants in their own learning
  • The curriculum emerges from the interests, past knowledge, and experiences of the children and teachers
  • Learning becomes an active process; the focus is upon the learner more than on the subject or lesson to be taught

Through observation, assessment and reflection we are able to identify the impact of the methodology on the child. This is used to modify the environment, content, teaching strategies, and differentiation of instruction to suit the child’s needs.

Nature and Nurture, thus work hand in hand at Aurinko to facilitate learning experiences that enrich a child’s life.

Teachers at Aurinko have one goal in mind, to plant a wish in the child’s mind

  • to learn,
  • to be content,
  • to be responsible, and
  • to love the environment and the community

The Logo

The Aurinko Logo reflects the Co-constructivist Theory the School is based on.

The tag line “Tejasvina Avadhitamastu“ leads us to “May the Teacher and Taught Learn Together” The Sun bestows its light.. To quell Ignorance. Aurinko dispels darkness in the mind and leads the Teacher and the Taught towards Knowledge.

The rustic look of the Teacher and the children depict the Indian cultural context that Aurinko is based on. Think Local Act Global is the perspective. The clothing shows they are ready to get down and get dirty and work, in farms, in classes, in art classes in the workshop and in their community.

The holding of the hands shows the rapport, the relationship between these stakeholders, the Teacher and the Taught. Together they spend each day in Trust, Reverence, Gratitude, Friendship and Fun and Consciously learn and grow with each other’s help.

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