Experience the Best Preschool in Bangalore

Admissions are open throughout the year for like-minded families to join our community. Best Preschool in Bangalore.

Best preschool in Sarjapur road
best preschool in Sarjapur road
best preschool in Sarjapur road
The day starts with a lot of smiles and happiness. Children and Teachers congregate, greet each other, they play for a while and start the assembly.
Assembly starts at 8 am. Children chant the Gayathri Mantra, The Great Invocation and sing the National Anthem. They also perform chakral exercises that cleanse and energise their energy bodies and in turn their physical bodies.
Announcements about any visitors, changes to schedules are made.

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A Sanskrit song is sung for anyone whose birthday falls on that day.

The Aurinko Kindergarten

Best Preschool in Sarjapur Road.
A typical day and our ways. 


Children meet at 8 am in the morning, greet each other, engage in cleaning the school, an assembly for exercises and some singing.


They play for a while now and have more play breaks during the day.

Best preschool in Bangalore


They co-construct knowledge with their teachers throughout the day in various blocks such as Theme, Literacy and Numeracy. They also engage in “making” activities like craft, build and break activities etc


They relate all their learning to their lives which is aided by a field trip, or a parent engagement activity or just doing a real world task.


They discover new things everyday and share them in circle times.


The space is open , fear-free and highly encouraging for a child to speak and state his needs. This is the base of the child-led explorations and child centric learning.


They exercise their bodies in Yogatics and sports twice a week each


They have two breaks to eat a snack and lunch. They bond over lunch while learning to be independent.


They are involved in the day to day activities of cleaning, gardening and other jobs. They also have cooking classes.

Happy Enriched little ones go home in the Aurinko buses by 1:30 pm longing to return the next morning. 

Discover the best preschool in Bangalore at HSR Layout and Sarjapur Road. Enroll your child today, Contact us for more info

Our curriculum uses the power of fun and play to create an environment to teach, learn and assess. The approach is spontaneous as well as thematic – interdisciplinary/integrated, organized around themes. Spontaneous is when the child learns and adapts to the situation and surrounding.

Thematic instruction integrates basic disciplines like English and Math and Art with the exploration of a broad subject, such as communities, out in the garden and so on. The same themes are broken down into developmentally age appropriate activities for the levels of pre-primary. At the same time in spontaneous learning, the child is himself or herself and enjoys and finds solutions to real life problems. All these are nurtured and guided by our trained teaching professionals.

We believe that early experiences have a major impact on the development of the brain and learning as adults. The brain has the greatest plasticity, or is the most flexible, during infancy through age five to accommodate a wide range of experiences, interactions, and environments.

A young child’s experiences with parents and other caring adults, along with social and physical environment, help to “prune” and “sculpt” these neural connections as they are used. The connections become more efficient building a solid foundation for all learning.
Thus, the development of the young brain is cumulative layering of foundational skills influenced by relationships, experiences, and environments. This is why the Aurinko Program for the Preschool focuses on nurturing emerging social, emotional, cognitive, and language skills in the early years.

Aurinko aims for Skilling For Fulfillment and focuses on 21rst Century Skills


Play is at the heart of how young children learn at Aurinko. Through play, children demonstrate what they are learning, what they are interested in, and what they are concerned about. They test out and practice actions to which they’ve been exposed. When we observe children at play, we begin to learn more about what they understand and can identify the skills that need more practice. This informs our efforts to guide them to the next level. Children engage in all forms of play – dramatic, constructive, creative, physical, and cooperative play.


At Aurinko, we understand that adults, children’s peers, older children, and siblings are important and integral in the playful learning process. And hence the Aurinko ecosystem focuses on continuous interaction of all age groups throughout the day in different contexts.

While older children provide models to learn from the adults arrange environments to support the learning process. Through materials and interaction, adults can help children identify associations with, and make connections to, previously learned skills. We use Guided Play wherein the adult builds on children’s interests and extend what they are doing in the moment to intentionally achieve additional learning goals. This authentic approach helps to make the learning “stick” because it is more meaningful and relevant to the child.

Instead of “teaching” self-regulation, for example, by instructing children to stand quietly and not move, we use long lasting methods of building such behaviour in daily play for eg when pretending they are soldiers guarding a castle. Such methods allow children to internalize the purpose Playful learning allows children to learn effectively as they perceive it as fun and rewarding. It often pushes children to engage in activities fully and wholeheartedly. .

Our Teachers are constantly trying to expand the learning of children by intentionally planned and developmentally appropriate curriculum. These interventions are designed to be responsive not only to the children’s interests, but include learning objectives based on children’s skill levels and abilities. Structured activities involve daily schedules with predictable yet flexible routines. We see that the children thrive in the Aurinko environment as stress is reduced through children’s understanding of expectations and what comes next. The schedule of learning activities within the curriculum includes all areas of development: physical, cognitive, social and emotional, language and literacy, and 21st century skills.


Peer interactions are another important context for learning in the Aurinko environment. When engaged in peer play, children observe others and imitate or build on what they observe. They gain social and emotional skills when they make efforts to create games and coordinate activities with each other. For example, children learn self-regulation when they develop and play rule-based games and they learn perspective when they negotiate the themes within dramatic play activities with others.


Playful learning occurs beyond the school or child-care setting. It occurs everywhere. Aurinko parents truly believe and live the school’s Philosophy and hence the homes are an extension of the Aurinko program . So our children are learning with parents while running errands or while they play at the park or at home in the kitchen!

This informal learning allows children to make connections with the larger world. Children are inspired to learn because of the desire to know how to do something or engage with others. The reward is relevant and enjoyable since it is based on the children’s real time experiences.


At Aurinko, we have always believed that when families, schools, and communities work together, children do better academically, behaviourally and socially. Hence there are ample opportunities created for Parents to visit school, spend quality time with each other and with the entire ecosystem. Parents volunteer for various programs and connect outside of school for play dates etc. Parents are also an integral part of the school’s functioning.

Domains of Child Development

Gross Motor

Use the big muscle groups of their body



  • Ability to speak, read, and write, involving alphabetic and phonetic learning
  • Conversations to communicate their opinions, wants, and needs with others
  • Learning the ABC’s, the “magic” words like “please” and “I’m sorry”, and the wonder of a simple thank you note etc
  • Expressing their needs 
  • Expressing their feelings using appropriate words


  • Learning to play with others 
  • Feel safe and nurtured 
  • Manners and modelling kind behaviour. 


  • Independence 
  • Learn how to take care of themselves. 


  • Learn cause and effect and reasoning 
  • Early math skills and counting and patterning 

Fine Motor

  • Hand-eye coordination is the focus.
  • Control precise muscle movement in their hands to build fine motor skills.
  • Keep the mind and hands engaged as partners as the children get older


  • Love and Respect themselves and Others
  • Connect with themselves and those around them
  • Knowing the difference between right and wrong

The 21st century skill sets and strategies we use



Child-led and Child-centric activities
A nurturing Ecosystem
Safe and Predictable Days and activities
Whole Child Focus
Play based learning
Cooperative and Collaborative Learning
Blended Approach
Flexible Attitude of Adults
Differentiated Instruction
Formative Assessment and Realignment
Combination of Learning Domains
Highly stimulating spaces that have ample resources
Culture focussed and Rooted in Indian Values.

The 21st century skills

Critical Thinking
Social Skills

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Best Preschool in Electronic City.

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