6 year old A: I dont understand something.

Me : Silent.. A continues to speak. 

A :So this thing of slow and fast… What is it.. Im slow or fast to what? And why does it affect when Im slow or fast in reading and writing? 

In my experience writing for eg happens .. just happens . How can we decide its fast or slow… 

My friends say im slow.. ..so? Slow to what? Who? 

If Im slower than them.. they may also be slower than someone. 

But if we are slow.. so what..? Cant I make it fast when I grow 

But if I make it fast how does it help? Why should it be fast?  U said what we write is more important than how fast we write ..or even how we write. Then why does everyone not know this? Does speed always matter.. even when it doesnt matter?

Me in my mind : Tearing up. Wish we understood simple things… and kept life simple. The world is definitely going to be a better place with these angels who can reason out at such a small age and not follow the herd . 

A is in grade 1. No words have been changed from what she said.


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