I was teaching grade 7 history. The topic of pardah came and all were exploring the difficulties those women may have had in their daily lives And they stumbled upon a major problem.. If they can’t lift their heads and also if there’s a veil...
I sat down to speak to get a child to see the reason, why we have books around.. as she didn’t want to look into them and wanted to wander around in class while learning. Not that its a problem for me.. but her teacher wanted me to try. She showed me a different...
6 year old A: I dont understand something. Me : Silent.. A continues to speak. A :So this thing of slow and fast… What is it.. Im slow or fast to what? And why does it affect when Im slow or fast in reading and writing? In my experience writing for...
Child – I dont like Teacher A Me – Why? Child – She is bad, she was angry at me. Me – Why was she angry? Child – What ever maybe the reason she cannot yell at me. Me – Agreed. So you didn’t like...
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