
My son and I collected different types of leaves from the garden.

He then drew them on paper. We also stuck the leaves on another paper with glue.

We traced a leaf on a paper with a pencil.

Leaf tracing

He observed that each plant has a different type of leaf and not all are the same.

We observed that curry leaves and amla leaves are many leaves within the same branch.

In some days, the leaves will dry and I expect some crying. But I suppose that is also a learning experience.

I showed him my shamrock earrings that my husband brought me from Ireland. I told him that shamrock leaves are the symbol of Ireland.

Feedback from Aurinko founder and teachers:

Observation of plants can lead to observation of different coloured leaves including dry. You can pick leaves in various stages and make a chart to see how they age.

The science behind why the leaves dry makes them curious. Let them think why it dried.

Leaves lead to dry leaves and natural compost is another journey to go for. It can lead to many months of learning, if you make your own compost.

At all times, encourage children to make observation log, depending on the mode he or she likes. (Video , audio, drawing, writing i.e. dictating and the parent writing).

Try leaf-shape palak chapatis or puris.

Another parent shared stamping done by her child. (Apply poster paint on the leaves and press it on paper).

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