By Suchitra Hegde -

Ma’m started the online class with the prayer. The children closed their eyes, used prayer hands and said OM three times.

Ma’m then asked how many sounds the children heard in OM.

Parents were tempted to ‘teach’ their kids about AUM sounds. But ma’m encouraged children to think for themselves and answer. She said it is okay for them to be wrong.

The children said that it started with O and ended with M.

Ma’m then asked each of the 10 kids one by one. The children learned patience by waiting for their turn.

When the teacher asked what sound the word began with, the had to say the sound. (Not the letter.)

Sun starts with sa sa sound. Not the letter S.

Tomato begins with ta ta sound.

Yellow begins with ya ya sound, and so on.

The children were given a homework to find 5 words that start with a-a Apple sound.

My son came up with these words:

  • Apple
  • Ant
  • Axe
  • Ambulance
  • Alligator

How did he come up with these? I asked him to tell the words he can think of. That’s how he came up with Apple and Ant.

I then encouraged him to browse through his XSEED UKG books for pictures. He looked at alligator, axe and ambulance pictures from the books. Some questions were needed to guide him. Example: For the axe, he knew that it was for cutting trees, but did not know the name of the tool.

His classmates also came up with more words like:

  • America
  • Antarctica
  • Aeroplane
  • Amphibian

This was a useful exercise for him to learn by exploring. Since he did the exercise on his own, without just doing as he is told, I think it will stay in his memory more without conscious effort to memorize.

As always, the emphasis in Aurinko has been on the fun in learning, and the experience. Since the output is not stressed upon, the kid does not lose the joy of childhood and exploring with curiosity. We look forward to more sessions.

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