Aurinko Academy – A Leader in Progressive Education

Experience a Unique Blend of Academic Excellence and Practical Training with Our Progressive Education

Progressive means growing, developing, continuous .. it implies happening or developing gradually or in stages.

As a progressive community, we are interested in change and progress, raise our children to be progressive thinkers, those that can think up new ways of doing things and are open to change.

To support this we, the ecosystem, also are progressive in nature. We are abreast of the latest things happening around us and are always evolving to meet the needs of our children to enable them to thrive in the future.

In line with this and aided by the Cambridge Curriculum (IGCSE) various programs, experiences and interventions are planned so children slowly add various skills to their Toolkit.

Our children, when supported by the Toolkit for Life, are able to favor or advocate progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are. They work towards better conditions; employing or advocating more enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods, etc.

In school we see them demonstrate this when they are able to find process gaps and take up improvement projects proactively. They are able to analyse, pinpoint, strategise, communicate and execute these projects very well.

Success and Outcomes- Redefined. 

At Aurinko success is measured by inner balance, with the difference you make to the lives around you, the number of people that are able to live a better and more advanced life because of what you created.

Success in Aurinko is beyond the materialistic definition of it. The true meaning of success, for us goes far beyond the common definitions of success, such as having a lot of money, being wealthy, having a lot of tangibles and earned degrees.

The true meaning of success for us is to live a happy life and to make this world a better place for everyone.

In this endeavour, we co-parent the children and lead a life that can be an example to our children.

Project based learning schools in Bangalore

Developmental Stages

We work on the skills of independence for children according to their developmental stages at the micro-level



Preschool is meant for Socialising, discovering the sensory world around them, developing, make new and push the boundaries of the neural networks and pushing boundaries of the known, and learning basic skills to make sense of the world around them.

It is also to learn to be comfortable with adults in their world, develop confidence and express their needs.

As they pick up speech, motor, communication, logical and analytical skills they also learn to manipulate these to their advantage.



The Primary Stage is for them to perfect the above but also add Academic Skillsets of Reading, Writing, Spelling, Comprehension, Math, Scientific Enquiry etc.

This is also the time to expand their social circle and discover more people around them and communicate to learn.

Physically they become confident as they are able to manipulate their bodies to get it to do what they want. This revs up their self esteem and they start looking at the world and relationships very differently.

This is a good time to strengthen their skills on managing emotions and communicate what they exactly feel.

Middle School


The middle and high school are generally application based. Children now start using, applying and experimenting with all that they know.

They venture out more in every area.. Social, emotional, psychological. They also now have strong academic skill sets and express themselves in stories, articles, poetry etc.

They learn the skills of Executive Functioning and feel good about taking responsibility and being organised. They also learn to handle relationships better with peer and adult help.

Academics wise, they are moving onto topics that require higher order thinking and they enjoy this experience.

They also start practicing the values they have picked up. They develop awareness, empathy and proactively seek ways to improve the conditions around them.

High School


By this time they have become confident to deal with the adult world, have an assertive yet empathetic way of communication, can use their hands-head-mind combination to achieve what they want and hence able to start driveing their own projects.

Child-Led, Child-Centric schools in Bangalore

Why Choose Us

Child-Led, Child-Centric

Every child at Aurinko, is a unique entity. We strive to keep the core intact while helping him/her build skills that are tuned to his/her needs, skills, motivations and challenges. 

We provide several opportunities, resources and activities across the child’s time at Aurinko to help him reach his true potential. 

The entire Aurinko Community is available to the child to engage with, find mentors and encourage his/her journey. 

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