“Nature is the best physician” – Hippocrates

Nature is the physical world and life for us. From food to shelter we are depending on nature. When we choose our food, cloth, furniture, etc most of us prefer organic or natural things. For example, organic vegetables, fruits, pure cotton, khadi, linen, silk, materials, wooden furniture, earthen pots for the kitchen, etc. But when it comes to our health, we depend on disadvantageous medicines for a quick reaction or cure. We are not realising that these medicines are not curing the cause, only the symptoms. Even the painkillers, will help us to get rid of the pain but not the reason for pain. The real fact about the most common tablet ‘paracetamol’ is that ten such tablets can kill a rat. This is banned in most countries and still, we are using it in different name. In humans, it acts as a slow poison, and regular use of such medicines damages your immunity system without a doubt. Most of us suppress the symptoms of diseases by using medicines and later our body forgets to react to the real source of diseases. And people diagnose the illness in their final stage, being in a helpless situation. For a healthy and happy life, we should depend on nature for curing the illness. We can follow the medicinal system from nature not only for illness but also in daily routine. Once we start loving nature, It won’t harm us in any sense. Our earth provides us everything for a healthy life and we have full freedom to grow plants and trees on our land. Let’s have a look at how we can have a better and healthy life from our nature.

Medicines from kitchen

Most of the spices in our kitchen act as medicine in one or another way. For example garlic, ginger, turmeric, pepper, fenugreek, etc.


It is from the onion family, which acts as a natural antibiotic. It can cure a cold. It reacts as a painkiller for sinus symptoms. Eating a garlic clove by chewing and swallowing within 2 seconds helps us to get rid of headaches that are caused by sinus or cold. Drinking garlic water helps to get rid from coughing. It will heat your body and helps to wash out the phlegm from our body without any struggle. Consuming boiled garlic with milk on an empty stomach helps to control our blood pressure and cholesterol. It lowers the risk of heart diseases. Adding garlic to your daily dishes will lead us and our family to a healthy life.


Ginger is another antibiotic agent from our kitchen. Having ginger tea daily in the morning will keep us away from cold, cough, fever, bacterial infections, obesity, etc. Ginger tea helps in balanced body weight. Consuming ginger in a daily diet will prevent gastric issues. Ginger will act as a painkiller. Adding ginger to our daily dishes boosts our immunity system and keeps our family healthy.


Turmeric is a very good detoxing agent. Consuming homemade turmeric powder with lemon juice in the empty will helps in weight loss, controls blood pressure and cholesterol. Including turmeric in the daily diet helps to prevent cancer. Turmeric is one of the fast wound healers. we can directly apply pure turmeric

powder on injury or cut. Turmeric cleanses our skin too by preventing pimples and skin allergies.


Black pepper is a traditional medicine for digestion, cold, cough, constipation, etc. Consuming pepper with long pepper[pipli] and honey will give quick relief from cough.


Fenugreek is the best medicine for problems during menstruation. Having overnight soaked fenugreek water in an empty stomach cures PCOD or PCOS. You can fry one spoon of fenugreek after that boil 1 glass of water until it turns a brownish yellow colour. Having this regularly will help us to get rid of irregular periods and menstrual cramps. Consuming one spoon of raw fenugreek on periods will help to give quick relief from menstrual cramps. It acts as a painkiller.

In such a way vegetables have some medicinal properties too. Some of them are Onion, amla, lemon, ash gourd, Beetroot.


Small red onion juice is a magical medicine for curing dandruff. Applying onion juice with coconut oil weekly once on our scalps prevents dandruff and promotes hair growth. Eating raw onion helps to balance your digestive system. It is an immunity booster. Onion juice can act as the best medicine for wounds. It prevents the wounds from getting septic because it is a natural antiseptic.

Amla [Indian gooseberry]

Amla is an immunity booster. Consuming one amla daily will keep us healthier. Having amla juice before or after breakfast helps control sugar levels. This will prevent you from diabetes. we can make juice with 3 to 4 amlas by adding one cup of water and a little salt. It improves our skin texture and hair growth as well. It prevents grey hairs. It improves the functioning of the brain and prevents eye infections.


Lemon is another immunity booster. It is a detoxifier too. Consuming a mixture of lemon, 1/4th teaspoon of pure turmeric powder with a pinch of salt and one glass of water on an empty stomach or before bedtime will help us in reducing weight and prevent obesity. Having lemon juice with a pinch of salt and pure honey will help to get rid of nausea or morning sickness.

Ash gourd

This is one of the best detoxifiers. Drinking ash gourd juice with a lemon empty stomach or before bedtime will keep our body clean from all toxins. Adding ash gourd in your dishes helps in hydrating your body as it contains high water content.


Beetroot is a very good source of fibre. It helps us to prevent and cure anaemic conditions. Drinking beetroot juice daily will keep our blood level healthy.

Medicines from garden

Some of the important plants we should keep in our garden are Tulsi, Basil, Indian borage, Aloe vera, Curry leaves.

Tulsi, Basil

These are medicinal plants. Drinking green tea with a mixture of tulsi, basil, ginger and honey every day will prevent us from cold, cough, asthma and other lung diseases. Taking steam with these leaves will keep us away from sinusitis.

Indian borage

This is the best medicine for fever. Heat 3 to 4 leaves on a pan and squeeze out the juice. We can have this juice three times a day when there is a fever. Adding this leaf in your dishes[chutney] prevents diabetes and controls blood sugar levels.

Curry leaves

Curry leaves not only add flavour to our dishes, but it also has some amazing medicinal qualities. Drinking curry leaf buttermilk will cure menstrual cramps. Eating curry leaves will prevent hair fall and grey hair.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a wonderful plant which cures skin diseases. Eating half spoon aloe vera gel every day before bedtime will keep your skin moist. It prevents the skin from drying out. Applying its gel on the scalp prevents dandruff. It has the medicinal quality to cure PCOD and cancer. Consuming aloe vera gel cleanses our whole body. It promotes weight loss and prevents diabetes.

Yes, we are blessed with our mother nature in every sense. We teach our children about herbs and the medicinal uses of plants at a younger age. But we are not teaching them how, why and where to apply it in real life. We must motivate our new generation to use natural medicines for cure. Make herbal and vegetable gardens on your balcony. Let our younger ones live long and healthy. Love, protect and respect our mother nature. Make every child a natural doctor. Be your own doctor. Build a healthy generation. Let’s spread the precious value of our nature to this whole world.

Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/

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